
ICANN needs to set rules for change of ownerships!

Why is it that some registrars can offer an automated change of ownership at no cost and then you have some registrars that are still living in the 90s. My recent run in with a deadbeat registrar is with Domainz.net.nz. Their standard change of ownership requires a 2 page form to be filled out by both the buyer and seller, then faxed back to them, a fee of $35 is assessed then it will take 2-5 days for the domain name to get into your account. I paid for the express option which warrants a $75 charge and up to 24 hours (business hours) for the domain to be in my account.

So I printed, scanned, emailed the docs to the seller on Friday (NZ time), they filled them out and faxed them to Domainz right at the close of business on Friday, so then comes Mon (NZ time), I call and they say it will get done today (Mon their time), and would you know it, at 1pm here it will be 8 am tuesday there and still no word. This is ludacris!

With todays technology there should be no reason that internal pushes arent automatic and free of charge. Are there or will there ever be guidelines/rules stating how long it should take and how much they should charge?


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