
Why PPC Works so Wel

Why PPC Works so Well..

by Frank Schilling

If I had a dollar for every time somebody offered to "take one of my inactive domains of my hands", I'd have a big, fat, rapper-size brick of cash.

People just don't understand that a parked domain that looks entirely inactive can quietly be making it's owner hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of dollars each month! The user experience is so passive and benign, the ad so inert, "there is just no way you're making more off ads than I'm going to offer you" .. At least that's what I'm told in in a flurry of daily unsolicited sales inquiries. It's not the case of course. Usually unsolicited sales offers have us falling out of our chair they are so laughably out of wack with the revenues (existing or potential) of generic names.

But why is it that people seem to be drawn to ads which so obviously look like ads?.. How are they able to draw clicks and convert into sales so amazingly well?

On the flight home from California today, I read this story in Businessweek. Apparently TIVO has uncovered a parallel phenomenon to domain name PPC ads on TV. Who knew that providing relevant info to the subject matter of the domain name people choose to type, could act as a catalyst to close a sale? Well okay.. it looks obvious now that I write it but in the ad business it is anything but obvious.

Quote: "IF THERE'S ONE LESSON from TiVo Stop||Watch, it's that relevancy outweighs creativity in TV commercials--by a lot. The ads on the "least-fast-forwarded" list aren't funny, they aren't touching, and they aren't clever. And they don't have big budgets."

People pay agencies billions each year to make cool and funny commercials to sell us stuff. Only those commercials don't usually work. The stuff people want, the stuff that sells is much more simple. Give us information so we can make an informed decision.. People want reality in television and reality in advertising... Apparently that's what sells.

Thank-you TIVO.


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