
I have found a domain name. Now what?

Once you have found a domain name there are several things to do with it. You can sell it, park it, trade it, and the list goes on and on. I will assume that you are looking to sell it. There are several different types of domain name buyers out there. There are people that will buy the domain name in hopes of reselling it for profit. There are people that will buy the domain name to park it and earn revenue from it through PPC. There are end users who will buy it to either forward traffic to their existing site or to develop the webpage for thier personal or business needs. These are just a few of the different buyers in the marketplace today.

If you are looking to sell to a reseller I would simply join a few of the domain name forums on the internet. The largest and most respected is probably DNforum.com, a few others are Chowcow.com and Namepros.com. There may be a few involved for selling the domain name, but it will probably pay itself off in the long run.

If you are attempting to test the traffic or earn PPC from a domain name you will need to park the domain name at one of the many DN parking sites available to you. A few of these sites are Namedrive.com, DomainSponsor.com, and Sedo.com. You will also need to login to your registrar and change the "nameserver" settings in order to properly park the domain name. This should be explained to you at the parking site that you choose.

If you are attempting to sell to an enduser you will need to know how to contact those end users. I will not write much on this right now, but if you owned Broadbandradio.com you would want to pitch this domain name to the companies that offer broadband radio services. It is always a good idea to email them and send them a letter through postal mail. Remember to sound professional and give them reasons why they would benefit from purchasing this domain name.

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